Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rockets Crash at Punjab Village

A constant tension prevails between India and pakistan. The two asian neighboring countries have always been in a such a way that as of any time a war may sprout out from no where. India and pakistan though trying to solve their border dispute through peace talks it is time and again that pakistan forces india on a war. The indian government at their best is willing to solve their disputes through a peace talk.

At this juncture two live rocket shells were fired from across Pakistan into Punjab's Dhande village on late Saturday night, allege residents of the village. Dilbagh Singh,an eye witness who also got injured in the rocker fire said that the blast hit the paddy fields otherwise there would have been a major devastation. This incident has created tension among the two countries. This might well end up in a war as the pakistan is trying to attack india then and there.

Let us hope that these two countries will settle their disputes through peace talk and say no to war.


Anonymous said...

really this is a big issue and let us prayer for the peace in both this countries.

powerball said...

this is really a big issue,let us prayer for the peace in both this countries.